Archive for November 2019

YEA Campers Triple Impact through Volunteer-a-Thon

Earlier this month, YEA Camp launched the first ever Volunteer-a-Thon, an online fundraising campaign that encourages people to get more involved in community service and activism all while raising awareness for a cause they care about.  By having friends and family sponsor them in this activism, participants are raising money for the YEA Camp Scholarship…

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How to Create a Great Donor Page for the YEA Camp Volunteer-a-Thon

Hey Hey YEA Camp! Have you heard about our first ever YEA Camp Volunteer-a-Thon? It’s a fundraiser we are launching that will support YEA Camp AND help our community get more involved in activism while making a bigger difference!  We are here to set you up for success so that you can create an awesome…

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YEA Camp Volunteer-a-Thon Pays Forward Community Service

Join the First Ever YEA Camp Volunteer-a-Thon! The Girl Scouts sell cookies. Many organizations urge their volunteers to participate in runs, walks, or bike rides. There are lots of creative ways nonprofits can raise needed funds. We at YEA Camp wanted to do something different. We wanted to create a fundraiser that would not only…

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