Thank you so much for helping to get the word out about YEA Camp! We rely on word-of-mouth and our community of supporters to spread the word! Here are a few ways you can help. Please let us know if you have other ideas!
Follow + post on social media
Maybe the simplest way to spread the word is to follow us on the platforms you use, and to post on those, or to copy the text or download the images on this page to share.
This takes just a few seconds for you and is a great help for us!
Thank you so much!
Send an email to your school, work, family, or friends
Did you know that email typically gets read more than social media posts do?
Here's some text you can use, tweak, or change to make YEA Camp sound as awesome as it is! Join our email list here for emails you can forward to people you know who would love YEA Camp.
Thank you so much!
Post a flyer in your school or town
Want something old school? Download and print these flyers so that you can put them up at your school, local cafe, veg restaurant, or other spots in your community!
Be sure to ask permission so they don't get taken down soon after you did the work of printing and putting them up!
Thank you so much!
We’ve created some sample blurbs and posts that you can use or modify into your own words. It’s always best to personalize, especially if you can share your own experience with YEA Camp!
For even more photos and images to choose from, please go here.
Thanks for being willing to email your friends, family, school or parent email list, or other groups who would love to learn about YEA Camp!
To get camp promo emails that you can forward, you can sign up for our email list here.
Please feel free to modify this sample email and share your own personal experience with YEA Camp.
Subject: Amazing youth summer camp coming up!
Dear friends,
I want to make sure you know about a summer camp I really recommend. It's a leadership program for youth 10-17 who want to make the world a better place.
For more than a decade Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp has been running life-changing week-long overnight camps for youth who want to change the world.
Campers come from all over the country and choose a social issue they want to work on, like climate change, racism, gender equality, animal cruelty, or another cause they care about. Now YEA Camp offers a virtual as well as in-person camp people fly in from all over the US and beyond to attend.
Throughout camp, they build their confidence, develop concrete skills, make incredible like-minded friends, and leave with an action plan and a community to support them in making a difference on a cause of their choice when they go home.
Financial aid is available for whoever needs it.
You can get all the details about YEA Camp's upcoming sessions at www.yeacamp.org. Let me know if you have any questions or want to hear more about my experience with YEA Camp!
Calling all students who want to change the world! You need to know about Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp – a summer leadership camp for youth who care about community service and social justice.
At YEA Camp, you’ll get to meet like-minded changemakers and build the skills and confidence to make a big difference on a cause you care about, like addressing racism or gender inequality, or protecting the environment or animals.
In-person overnight camp is August 6-14 in Massachusetts (but people fly in from all over), and Virtual YEA Camp is July 11-15. To learn more and register for this life-changing experience, go to www.yeacamp.org. Financial aid is available for whoever needs it.
- Like or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter, and Youtube! Each time you like, comment, or share our posts, it helps our content get seen by more people and is free advertising for us.
- Make your own posts! You can use the images or text from our website or use your own words, if that feels more natural.
- Email us at info@yeacamp.org if you have other ideas or would like to join our publicity team to help spread the word about YEA Camp!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU for your help! <3
Please use your own words that are right for you and your friends or followers, or pull from these samples:
Calling anyone who wants to change the world! YEA Camp is back in person and virtually, and it could be the best weeks of your life! You’ll meet other aspiring changemakers and build skills and confidence to make a bigger difference on the causes you care about. I attended YEA Camp way back when, and it was amazing! www.yeacamp.org
Know someone who wants to change the world? Check out @yeacamp, a leadership camp for teens who care about community service and social justice. Since 2009, YEA Camp has been running life-changing week-long overnight camps to help aspiring changemakers make a bigger difference. Visit www.yeacamp.org to learn more and sign up for this summer!
What are you or the world-changing teen in your life doing this summer? Check out @yeacamp -- a social justice camp for aspiring activists, back in-person and virtually this summer! I attended YEA Camp way back when, and it helped me so much! Get all the details at www.yeacamp.org.
Calling all aspiring activists who want to change the world! YEA Camp could be the best week of your life!
You’ll meet other changemakers and build skills and confidence to make a bigger difference on a cause you care about. Tag a friend who'd love YEA Camp and go to @yeacamp to find out more!
Know a teenager who is or wants to do big things to make the world a better place? They should check out @yeacamp!
For more than a decade, YEA Camp has been running life-changing week-long overnight camps. This summer they're offering virtual and in-person sessions! Visit www.yeacamp.org to learn more and sign up!
[Use any emojis and hashtags that would most connect with your friends and followers:]
#leadership #activism #social justice #communityservice #summercamp #youthactivism #humanrights #lgbtq #blacklivesmatter #feminism #environment #climatechange #animalrights #vegan
This is old school!
Want to help get the word out about YEA Camp at your school or in your town?
Try putting them up in:
- your school
- cafes, health foods, vegetarian restaurants
- libraries or book stores
- other community event spaces
- anyplace else you can think of!
Print this PDF. These will look better on a color printer, if you have.
Got any other ideas for how to spread the word about YEA Camp? We would love to hear them! Please let us know!
Thank you so much for your help getting the word out about YEA Camp! We really appreciate it!
Great! We can't wait to meet you!
We got you covered!