A New Tradition: #ThankfulThursdays! Giving Thanks for Ari Nessel

482990_10151162780596107_2119458584_nInstead of/in addition to Throwback Thusdays #tbt, YEA Camp is starting #ThankfulThursdays this month (and maybe beyond – feel free to join in!), and we can’t think of anyone more deserving of being our first honoree than Ari Nessel, a close friend who has supported YEA Camp since even before we launched our first camp in 2009!

Ari exemplifies everything YEA Camp aspires to be: compassionate, committed, generous, strategic, loving, effective, hard-working, humble, and full of heart. In addition to supporting YEA Camp and many other organizations, Ari is the founder and lead funder of the incredible The Pollination Project, which provides grants of $1000 every single day to inspiring changemakers around the world. (Learn more and apply here! And track his regular Huffington Post blog for inspiring updates!) Ari is also an incredible dad to two compassionate boys (future YEA Campers!!), a dedicated yogi and meditation practitioner, and green business owner.250395_10150259278571107_2926122_n

Over the years, we have written Ari many thank you notes and told him how thankful we are, but we can never thank him enough!

On behalf of all the campers and causes Ari has supported over the years, WE ARE THANKFUL FOR YOU ARI!

***   YEA CAMP <3 ARI <3   ***